MiMi prototype cont.2

Here is the making of cap stage like I did it for body; Simply glue the rough shape by Balsa wood than shave the shape as desired. Use sandpaper after the shape had done than apply the water base putty on the surface. For sure, it is needs sandpaper again when putty dries. While these stage had complete that can apply the acrylic paint.
帽子的作法同身體的方式進行, 先黏好大體木塊後開始削出形狀; 型狀確定後已砂紙打磨表面; 接著上水補土, 再以砂紙打磨. 這些步驟完成後即可以壓克力顏料上色. 帽子的彩帶則以剩下的人工皮剪下合適的形狀後綁上.


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