Custom Japanese Infantry helmets
Here are my present project of 1/6 custom japs helmets! It’s hard to see WWII Japanese Infantry on the market so I give it a try that it could be part of my future project. I used BBI Japs Marine helmet as basic mould than used vac-form machine make copy for quantity as I need; the liners are real leather made. The helmets color needs to be fix and the badge as well. I’m selling these helmets for 12 USD per each that now these are available for pre-order.
通常很難在市面上見到日軍的題材產品, 這回我試做了幾頂日軍二戰頭盔效果還不錯! 雖然頭盔顏色有出入及正前方的星星應該是平面的須做修改. 內襯是真皮製成的, 染過的0.3織帶當作頭盔帶. 每頂售價12美元, 已經開始接受預訂!
通常很難在市面上見到日軍的題材產品, 這回我試做了幾頂日軍二戰頭盔效果還不錯! 雖然頭盔顏色有出入及正前方的星星應該是平面的須做修改. 內襯是真皮製成的, 染過的0.3織帶當作頭盔帶. 每頂售價12美元, 已經開始接受預訂!
偉大大 九〇式鉄帽有鉚釘跟通氣孔 要是能補上就更完美了
不過 小弟以為BBI版除了太厚外 其實還蠻完美的 吾心中的夢幻逸品是 松滬戰場的海兵隊早期版!