Cezch made 1/72 scale MIG-15 UTI

This is one of my oldie Czech made 1/72 model kit which is my favorite at 50’ jet series aircraft. Love the classical look that it was the time to converted propeller to jet also it was the beginning of cold war. I build it straight from the kit, and it is not a well fit kit that required putty definitely. Apply 3 camo paint and Polish Air Force decal as straight from the kit as well.
這也是年輕時期製作的小模型, 沒特別改造而只是拿來過過上迷彩的癮! 這模型也是捷克KP出品的系列, 模子不怎麼精緻但就是他們的特色. 米格機一直是我的最愛, 而這架雙座教練機更是特別可愛!


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