Modify Airfix 54mm US Marine Crops 1943

I went down to Melbourne again at 99’ with a Shanghai boy who had entry 1/72 scale aircraft category that I still concentrated in 54mm scale figure. AIRFIX 54mm series always are my favorite figure that is for sure I have one of this series as base then I re-create the figure as I desired. First I wear away the original uniform form the kits than apply putty on it. I sculped the 1943 US Marine uniform before putty get hard. The head are replaced by Verlinden products, also the palm plants as well. I had won the second place for this vignette. My friend who have had won the third place for 1/72 category.
這是繼98年後99年又再度南下墨爾本參賽, 這回跟一位上海的朋友一起參與. 他以1/72飛機為題材而我又再度以1/32人型為主. 當然這次下了不少功夫, 基本上我以最喜愛的AIRFIX為底去改造; 將原本的制服磨掉改以補土刻畫出1943年海軍陸戰隊的制服. 頭、矮樹叢是威靈頓的產品. 彈藥箱取自於Italeri 1/35 105mm榴炮的彈藥箱再寫上彈甲字形. 這次拿了人型小品的第二獎, 缺點是手指頭沒有抓住日軍旗. 我朋友則拿了1/72飛機的第三獎. 這回就多了位華人獲獎!


請大家不要理會及點擊上一位訪客! 那是病毒.

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