The photo's

Spend a day at our booth of Taipei Walker 6th Flea Market,weather was great but a bit of hot that the big boys are gathered again and chats about 1/6 toys;we also met 1/6 hobbyist came around and had fun.I’m thinking the flea market would fit our 1/6 arts figures? I don’t really like the T-shirt booth or costume accessories booth by the side of our booth that feel the figures quality unvalued and cheap.
這次Taipei Walker 第6屆跳蚤市場在不錯的天氣但有些個熱的狀況下結束了一天蠻累人的展出.這又是我們這幾位老男孩聚在一塊的時候,雖然耗在那裡一整天但是聊聊嗜好是最讓人快樂的事囉;也有見到幾位同好前來逛逛聊聊(謝謝各位捧場!).展出的朋友們互相幫忙是每次最讓人感動的地方!回家的路上想著這樣的場合合不合適1/6人偶的品質呢!

The figures!

S.H.E performing artist showing and girl’s shot.(Not hot enough!)

People gathered around at our booth(Sorry!we don’t sell)

Beautiful shots on natural light.


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