Weathered 1/16 T-34/85 cont.

Remember I did opening report of this Trumpeter 1/16 scale T-34/85 at last month,I’m now planning to do weathering on this big metal monster.First I remove the rubber tire off each wheel then I spray with Tamiya TS-5 olive green overall on this tank which I want to cover original WWII Russian paint scheme to Korea War paint scheme.I’ll let you know why I’m doing this!
I painted the number 213 on it that the number from 200~300 belongs to northern Korea tank regiment so I pick one of the number for it.I washed with GUNZE(black+brown)acrylic color overall the tank;Next stage I used HUMBROL medium green dry brush on it but be careful not to brush to hard to cover engrave and joint area.Last stage I apply gun metal for the chip paint effect.Stay tune…
繼上回開了這盒由“小號手”出品的1/16 T-34/85後來作舊化;先把橡膠胎給拆下後以Tamiya噴罐TS-5 噴上整台車體,待乾後以Gunze水性漆(黑+咖啡)塗上車體,記得欲以多層次塗上模型時且記壓克力漆+ 琺瑯漆 +壓克力漆,如此重複覆蓋才不會出差錯.接著我以Humbrol綠系漆乾掃在車體表面但不要將凹陷及接縫處給覆蓋住.最後用黑鐵色塗上掉漆的效果!


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