Airman Uniform

Here is how I’m doing for flyboy’s uniform, the airman no needs to fight on the ground during the battle in normally, that’s how they kept their uniform clean all the time during the war. The airman uniform is well products from DID but I do think that it needs a bit of fix up, I used mini electric iron to make much of folding lines on the collar、pants. Once the uniform has been dress up that looks outstanding and eminent; the body needs to grind the surface with sandpaper which makes more friction between plastic and fabric that it makes more realistic looks.
通常很少會如此處理制服的, 飛行員一般是不可能出現在地面上的戰鬥裡, 所以他們的衣服總是乾乾淨淨且保持挺拔的狀態. 我用迷你電熨斗燙過衣領、褲子及領帶後看起來更有朝氣. 除此之外Hot Toy素體也經過砂紙打磨過, 原因是要讓塑膠與布料更有摩擦力而不會穿起來浮浮的像玩具.


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