Armor Catty girl part.1
I’ve first try PU foam、PU putty and A+B putty mix to creating a 1/6 character that the original design from Japan artist who created hips of armor catty girl. I never interested in Japan style animation characters like lots of pupil of the eye inside of the big crystal eye. There is one reason attractive me that is WWII machine have involved. This is well paint illustration book but only one thing that I don’t feel comfortable with the girl legs looks have been cut off then place with an artificial limb purposely.
第一次以PU發泡、PU補土及AB補土嘗試製作卡漫人物, 這人物造型比例是1/6, 在購買了這位作者的畫冊後有衝動想試試看, 日本卡漫少女的造型(超大眼珠)一直不是我個人喜好的類型, 而這書裡的造型是混合許多二戰飛機、坦克的因素在人物的身上, 也是吸引我的地方! 唯一覺得怪怪之處則是作者硬是把機械的元素裝在人物的腿上, 感覺像是刻意被截肢後並裝上義肢. 感覺不怎麼舒服就是了!
Carving is far difficult then sculpt; Carving is taking parts away that needs to deal with carefully, if taking too much that can’t be return it back to original which is been fail already. Sculpt is adding clay a bit by bit on it, if it’s doing wrong that it still be able to fix up as you desire.
基本上以PU發泡製作就是不打算作翻製的動作, 另一個因素是個人喜好較輕及堅固的感覺; 通常製作類似的原型都會以美國油土、木節土之類的材料來製作, 完成後會是重量不輕的原型, 其實是蠻脆弱的, 但是方便製作模子用.
雕與塑也有其不同的差異, 一般原型製作都是以塑型的方式來製作, 而雕則是大多用在木雕、石雕之類的製作; 塑是以土一塊塊疊上而型成造型, 雕則是一塊塊去除的方式而去型成造型.
I started from head that I’ve chop a square from PU foam then carving it to girl’s head shape; I used No-400 sand paper to polish neat.
以頭部開始, 先將PU發泡切下正方體後再削出女孩子頭部的形狀, 以400號水砂紙打磨平滑.
Body、hands had the same way as head.
I drill the bottom of body which shows the skirt depth that fit for the lower part of the body.
用鑽子鑽出短裙的底部, 可以讓下體合上而秀出短裙的丰采.
第一次以PU發泡、PU補土及AB補土嘗試製作卡漫人物, 這人物造型比例是1/6, 在購買了這位作者的畫冊後有衝動想試試看, 日本卡漫少女的造型(超大眼珠)一直不是我個人喜好的類型, 而這書裡的造型是混合許多二戰飛機、坦克的因素在人物的身上, 也是吸引我的地方! 唯一覺得怪怪之處則是作者硬是把機械的元素裝在人物的腿上, 感覺像是刻意被截肢後並裝上義肢. 感覺不怎麼舒服就是了!
Carving is far difficult then sculpt; Carving is taking parts away that needs to deal with carefully, if taking too much that can’t be return it back to original which is been fail already. Sculpt is adding clay a bit by bit on it, if it’s doing wrong that it still be able to fix up as you desire.
基本上以PU發泡製作就是不打算作翻製的動作, 另一個因素是個人喜好較輕及堅固的感覺; 通常製作類似的原型都會以美國油土、木節土之類的材料來製作, 完成後會是重量不輕的原型, 其實是蠻脆弱的, 但是方便製作模子用.
雕與塑也有其不同的差異, 一般原型製作都是以塑型的方式來製作, 而雕則是大多用在木雕、石雕之類的製作; 塑是以土一塊塊疊上而型成造型, 雕則是一塊塊去除的方式而去型成造型.
I started from head that I’ve chop a square from PU foam then carving it to girl’s head shape; I used No-400 sand paper to polish neat.
以頭部開始, 先將PU發泡切下正方體後再削出女孩子頭部的形狀, 以400號水砂紙打磨平滑.
Body、hands had the same way as head.
I drill the bottom of body which shows the skirt depth that fit for the lower part of the body.
用鑽子鑽出短裙的底部, 可以讓下體合上而秀出短裙的丰采.