Armor Catty girl part.6

The dilute putty also apply on the 2 SPITFIRE engine, sandpaper serves later as usual. Dame! I hate this stage that it takes bloody long time to repeat them but you gonna make it looks right.
I used 1.2 mm plastic plate for the wings; glue 2 piece of 1.2 mm plastic plate in one then grind the edge, I used scale model tool for the engrave line; Place the wings on the engines.
同前的步驟, 將調稀的補土塗在2 具引擎表面, 接著砂紙斥候. 這步驟很煩人且一直在重複並花費不少時間, 為了就是完美啦!
我用1.2厘米的改造板切出機翼的形狀再黏合2 片成一片, 將邊緣磨圓並以比例模型的改造工具劃出機翼上的凹線, 完成後黏上引擎.

I spray Gunze acrylic H324 light gray as underside color; Cover the underside and the edges with paper tape when dry then painted with Gunze acrylic H72 Dark earth and H330 Dark green as 2 camo scheme. The decal took from my old collection 1/48 scale British Air Force; I spray the flap coat for the end. I cover the paper tape at the end of the engine which tries to emphasis the different part of propeller and spinner with a bit of dry brush.
我用郡士壓克力H324淺灰色噴上引擎的底部, 乾後以膠帶蓋住下半部的面積; 引擎上面的2 色迷彩則是以郡士的H72深土色 及 H330深綠色為主. 找到了以前小比例模型剩下的水貼, 英軍噴火戰機所屬塗裝! 貼上待乾後則噴上削光保護漆. 在引擎前端再以紙膠貼上並以乾刷來區分螺旋槳與螺旋蓋.

The exhaust pipes are made by 1.2 mm plastic plate.


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