Performance show 2009
Here is a model association of Gamania Digital Entertainment Co. (which where I’m working for) the last performance show. The model association has been running for 3 years since 2006 that the association has lack of budget and members are busy at work that we are decide to terminate. Thanks for the beautiful performance set up by branding center. I love the cutie card set design that really impressive me. I’ll collecting few of them after the show!
這是橘子的公仔社團展, 也是最後一次的成果展出原因是經費拮据及成員們時間不足, 總之玩這東東真需要時間及耐心還有經費啦! 感謝展出的創意整體設計, 是由品牌中心的同事精心企劃才有如此成果. 小吊卡的設計更讓人愛不釋手, 非常可愛!
The junior members have made cartoon characters from there favorite TV animation.
The senior members have created their own design characters by sculptures, some are unpainted and some are completed.
這是橘子的公仔社團展, 也是最後一次的成果展出原因是經費拮据及成員們時間不足, 總之玩這東東真需要時間及耐心還有經費啦! 感謝展出的創意整體設計, 是由品牌中心的同事精心企劃才有如此成果. 小吊卡的設計更讓人愛不釋手, 非常可愛!
The junior members have made cartoon characters from there favorite TV animation.
The senior members have created their own design characters by sculptures, some are unpainted and some are completed.