Toys Festival 2009 Taipei.1

The Medicom toy is the largest figure toy booth at the show. 1/6 figure fan will love this booth I suppose, lots of future products and present products are showing in the display window.
Medicom Toy 在會場有著大攤位且位置很顯眼, 櫥窗擺置著已上市及即將發表的1/6人型, 12吋的愛好者會很喜歡來這區逛逛.

How2 work toys products. Most of all the figure products are from Hong Kong which is the pioneer of figure toy in the world.
會場大多數的人型玩偶都是來自香港的藝術家及人偶廠家, 也是世界人型玩具的先驅!

One of the “Brother’s free” -Kenny has his own character “Molly” and other design character.
鐵人兄弟之中的Kenny發展他個人的路線, 肯定吸引很多女性消費者!

One of the “Brother’s free” -Winson has his lovely character “Chocolate cat” at the show. I didn’t see another one of the Brothers’s free gets involve this time.
另一位鐵人兄弟Winson的可愛風”巧克力貓” 應該也是走女性市場. 另一位鐵人兄弟就沒見到他的發表了.

Here are the competitors prototype for the show which has been nominates by conference judges. Really impressive!
這是已被大會評為入選的設計公仔參賽作品, 很有創意也很精采!

The famous comedy comic and very well know at Taiwan and Hong Kong, I read the comic since I was kid that I’m happy to meet the author and get the signature for the toys. 3 of the fancy painting on 1:1 chatacter!
老夫子是眾人皆知的悠久經典漫畫, 很高興能在會場給王澤先生簽名在老夫子的搖頭公仔上.

A young couple who creating some impressive characters.

The characters from Taiwan caricaturist “PUSH”.

The rest of the toy shots!


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