Toys Festival 2009 Taipei.2
This is 6th Toys festival at Huashan1914 art center in Taipei city from 9th ~12th July. This toys festival is much bigger then before, lots of art creator and art work has been involved at the show, I can feel that the activities has been explosive again!
已經是第6屆的台北玩具展在華山藝文中心隆重的豋場, 此次場地比以往大多了而且人潮不斷, 可惜我們不再參與次種盛會了! 展場中可以見到更多的藝術創作玩具, 讓人耳目一新! 可以感覺到活動的爆發力.
Here is “So what!” showing the new character of Mr.Power designer toy that they come with few paint scheme and plain body for artist creating their own. I love the idea of what they did a 1:1 card set on the booth which people can stand inside to show how they looks like.
這是So what 這次在他們的攤位上設計了2個1:1的吊卡, 可以讓參觀者站在裡面拍照, 把自己當成是玩具吊卡裡的角色. 非常好玩!
Here is the Taiwan performing group artist producing their own merchandise at the show; all the customer are their fans! Really smart!
這是藝人團體”五月天”的相關產品, 非常大及有氣勢的攤位設計, 大多是他們的歌迷, 很有生意頭腦!
Here is one of my friends who invest the design toy”Mi 2”. Buddha is their main character, I love the character with “70” style dressing and fancy Buddha head by variant artist.
這是另一位朋友所投資的Mi-2 設計公司. 佛頭是招牌造型, 特別喜歡穿著70年代的穿著及許多藝術家筆下的創意佛頭.
已經是第6屆的台北玩具展在華山藝文中心隆重的豋場, 此次場地比以往大多了而且人潮不斷, 可惜我們不再參與次種盛會了! 展場中可以見到更多的藝術創作玩具, 讓人耳目一新! 可以感覺到活動的爆發力.
Here is “So what!” showing the new character of Mr.Power designer toy that they come with few paint scheme and plain body for artist creating their own. I love the idea of what they did a 1:1 card set on the booth which people can stand inside to show how they looks like.
這是So what 這次在他們的攤位上設計了2個1:1的吊卡, 可以讓參觀者站在裡面拍照, 把自己當成是玩具吊卡裡的角色. 非常好玩!
Here is the Taiwan performing group artist producing their own merchandise at the show; all the customer are their fans! Really smart!
這是藝人團體”五月天”的相關產品, 非常大及有氣勢的攤位設計, 大多是他們的歌迷, 很有生意頭腦!
Here is one of my friends who invest the design toy”Mi 2”. Buddha is their main character, I love the character with “70” style dressing and fancy Buddha head by variant artist.
這是另一位朋友所投資的Mi-2 設計公司. 佛頭是招牌造型, 特別喜歡穿著70年代的穿著及許多藝術家筆下的創意佛頭.