1/6 Bust.4

The typhoon “Morakot” has visiting Taiwan this Friday that we all have a typhoon break officially. It’s good to hear “Morakot” bring plenty of water to Taiwan but not the damage!
莫拉克颱風在這週五來台灣遊玩, 好消息是她帶來了不少的水分及颱風假, 正好台灣的水庫正愁著快要缺水, 只希望不要帶來災難就好.

The bust is still needs to going on, I add the ears and mouth detail on it, the front neck still not looks right to me that I have to figure it out the correct way. Not that easy!
胸像還是要繼續, 加上了嘴內細節及耳朵. 頸部的結構還是不對勁, 只好再修了!
人體結構不容易哩! 需要多多練習.


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