Making 1/6 Canadian Boots.1
Have a request order a pair of Canadian boots from Canada hobbyist recently which is my first try to do Canadian boots WWII. The boots call “Third Division Boots”; High-Top, was introduced in about 1942; units of the Second Canadian Division conducted field trails of these boots. They were incorporated a buckle and flap on the high uppers. They were extremely popular, and were issued in quality to the Third Canadian Division, and became known to collectors as “Invasion Boots” or ”Third Division Boots”. These terms are inaccurate as they were widely used throughout the Canadian Army.
這雙加拿大高筒綁腿靴是受訂於一位加拿大的玩家, 有些款式的相關配件由於市面上買不到而只能找門路訂製了. 也是我第一次製作這款靴子, 這靴子在頂部加了像綁腿的功能; 在二戰當時是相當廣受軍隊歡迎的一款靴子.
I did a pair of new mold in wood, Canadian boots head are round flat, and the bottom of sole are quite the same as British boots with the nails and 2 piece of metal right on the front and heel. The boots pattern needs to redraw which is different from what I did before.
從新製作了新的木製鞋模, 這款跟我之前的鞋款完全不同, 扁平的鞋頭及類似英軍鞋的鞋底; 佈滿釘子及兩片位於前端及鞋跟的鐵片, 也是第一次的經驗!
這雙加拿大高筒綁腿靴是受訂於一位加拿大的玩家, 有些款式的相關配件由於市面上買不到而只能找門路訂製了. 也是我第一次製作這款靴子, 這靴子在頂部加了像綁腿的功能; 在二戰當時是相當廣受軍隊歡迎的一款靴子.
I did a pair of new mold in wood, Canadian boots head are round flat, and the bottom of sole are quite the same as British boots with the nails and 2 piece of metal right on the front and heel. The boots pattern needs to redraw which is different from what I did before.
從新製作了新的木製鞋模, 這款跟我之前的鞋款完全不同, 扁平的鞋頭及類似英軍鞋的鞋底; 佈滿釘子及兩片位於前端及鞋跟的鐵片, 也是第一次的經驗!