Making waistband & cloak
I scissors down 2 curve black fabric then stitching them in one piece, that make it firm and solid. Because it will need to place on 2 buttons、2 hooks and 2 rings on it; Those little things were collected from military figures uniform and accessory sometime will help for the custom project.
剪下了2片彎曲的布料作腰帶, 再將這2片縫成一體後感覺蠻結實堅固; 原因是會有2個鈕釦、2個鉤子、2個勾環將縫在上頭, 這些小零件都是取自於人偶的配件而不時提供方便的材料, 尤其是在製作人偶時!
The cloak is forth version that I’ve done which bring me more idea to make cloak; it looks simple but not at all actually. I’ve been compare lots of fabrics by gravity force that the one looks naturally in small scale. I scissors the shape and stitching the rim by sawing machine, some of the wrinkles setting by little stitch.
這是第四件打版的披風, 看起來簡單但是不容易, 首先是不了解披風到底是如何穿上及固定在肩膀上. 突然間也無法找到詳細的資料, 只能從圖片來慢慢分析. 比較了許多的布而找了能在1/6的比例下能有自然重力下垂感的布料, 將邊緣內摺以縫紉機處理過, 較有技巧的是披風上的一些皺摺是以縫線來固定的, 感覺還不錯.
I can’t find the detail of the strips on both shoulders and all the way around to the back but I know it is fastening the cloak. Let me take a guess how to make them work between the cloak and strips; I used 0.3 mm leather strips then glue and stitching H, the horizon strip will be front of the chest to connecting shoulder strips, I chop a round button shape to place on the left side horizon strip that it is for fasten cloak. The 2 straight strips end has place another 2 buckles on. Now it is quite clear how to dress the cloak and strips.
由於找不到胸前的皮帶是如何穿著及如何固定披風, 也只能用想像來玩了. 以0.3mm的皮帶黏成H型再縫過而讓它更牢固, 橫條的皮帶左側縫上了一個將圓型切成長條型的鈕釦, 這是用來固定披風用的. H直條的下端黏上日字型扣環, 是用來固定肩膀的皮帶用, 差不多是這樣的結構.
剪下了2片彎曲的布料作腰帶, 再將這2片縫成一體後感覺蠻結實堅固; 原因是會有2個鈕釦、2個鉤子、2個勾環將縫在上頭, 這些小零件都是取自於人偶的配件而不時提供方便的材料, 尤其是在製作人偶時!
The cloak is forth version that I’ve done which bring me more idea to make cloak; it looks simple but not at all actually. I’ve been compare lots of fabrics by gravity force that the one looks naturally in small scale. I scissors the shape and stitching the rim by sawing machine, some of the wrinkles setting by little stitch.
這是第四件打版的披風, 看起來簡單但是不容易, 首先是不了解披風到底是如何穿上及固定在肩膀上. 突然間也無法找到詳細的資料, 只能從圖片來慢慢分析. 比較了許多的布而找了能在1/6的比例下能有自然重力下垂感的布料, 將邊緣內摺以縫紉機處理過, 較有技巧的是披風上的一些皺摺是以縫線來固定的, 感覺還不錯.
I can’t find the detail of the strips on both shoulders and all the way around to the back but I know it is fastening the cloak. Let me take a guess how to make them work between the cloak and strips; I used 0.3 mm leather strips then glue and stitching H, the horizon strip will be front of the chest to connecting shoulder strips, I chop a round button shape to place on the left side horizon strip that it is for fasten cloak. The 2 straight strips end has place another 2 buckles on. Now it is quite clear how to dress the cloak and strips.
由於找不到胸前的皮帶是如何穿著及如何固定披風, 也只能用想像來玩了. 以0.3mm的皮帶黏成H型再縫過而讓它更牢固, 橫條的皮帶左側縫上了一個將圓型切成長條型的鈕釦, 這是用來固定披風用的. H直條的下端黏上日字型扣環, 是用來固定肩膀的皮帶用, 差不多是這樣的結構.