1/16 Metal A6M2 continues 2

Many cylinders has to make that this is the one true detail kit that I’ve build; I really enjoy this metal kit, the engine component comes up with 2 layer that totally have 14 cylinders but I didn’t have tools for the long break, so I leave it later!
這架是我做過最精緻的模型, 而且是全金屬; 感覺不同於以往的塑膠模型, 這種精緻度一直讓人驚訝不已. 引擎分有2 層, 共有14個氣缸, 器材帶得不夠所以先擱置引擎部份.

The volume 11~13 come up with a 20mm MG for left wing, there are 5 parts to become machine gun, the barrel needs to drill hole by pin vise that the rest parts are glue them then painted with Gunze dark iron then wipe tissue out on the surface.
第11~13集附有一挺20釐米機槍零件是裝於左翼的部位, 機槍共有5個部分, 防火帽須用手鑽鑽洞, 其於的部份模線須用小挫刀處理, 組合完後以郡士黑鐵色上色後並以紙巾輕擦拭表面, 質感就出來了!

Expecting to complete this beautiful kit, but it is long way to go!
超期待完成的樣子, 看來路途遙遠呀!


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