The night at 25th March

Here was the night that the boys have had lay out their own show case when we meet up at 9:30pm after work, we are all happy to met up again at the show even it was the hard day work. We have about 222 figures attending the exhibition this time;
everyone did their best job to represent at the show, that’s how we all expecting to see new stuff from everyone. There are two hobbyists from Hong Kong attending the exhibition; this is a great chance to interflow from different country.
I wait for everyone had settle their own stuff then leave, I check with the list with paper document with the host crew each by each till 4:00 am then I went back home.
3/25星期四晚上下班後同好們來自各縣市, 又一次的佈展聚會! 大夥於晚上9:30於會場集合, 這次除了舊臉孔的同好參與之外也有幾位是新面孔及來自香港的同好參與, 的確為這次展出增了不少色! 這次總共有222件人偶作品展出, 大家無不使出渾身解數把自己的作品弄得漂漂亮亮的秀給大家看.
在大家把自己的櫃子擺設完並離開現場回家休息後, 我同主辦單位人員一一對過清單上的人偶後才回家, 已經是凌晨4點了, 感謝另外3位同好一起幫忙!

We have great honor to invite Tony Barton attending the exhibition, whom is the 1/6world master from UK, which whom creating 100% craftsmanship by his own. Everyone here are impressive his work. This is the best of quality show in Taiwan.
這次很榮幸能邀請到來自英國的1/6人偶大師Tony Barton的參與, 他的作品幾乎是100%全手工自製品, 手藝非凡, 確實襯托出這次展出的高品質.


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