Bicycle troop.1
Here is the first try to modify TTL body, I’m quite like the TTL body shape that come with thin chest and nice workable joint, the shoulders are well design too. This is my first try the neck and body as the same part, which is not to worry the neck joint; especially the open collar will appear the joint barely.
第一次玩TTL 素體, 整體感覺都蠻不錯的, TTL 素體為一般薄胸體位, 很適合我想做的題材的素材; 肩膀活動性也佳, 還有頸部與身體是連結成一體的, 這個對製作開放領子的題材最適合不過了, 很多素體的頸部因為關節都會明顯的露眼而不夠完美, 除非遮蓋住!
I chop the legs length that it needs for the new subject; the good thing is the joint are removable, then clip them back firmly.
切短了腿部的長度, 因為這題材需要! TTL 素體另一個特點是關節都可以拔出分離, 可塑性很大!
第一次玩TTL 素體, 整體感覺都蠻不錯的, TTL 素體為一般薄胸體位, 很適合我想做的題材的素材; 肩膀活動性也佳, 還有頸部與身體是連結成一體的, 這個對製作開放領子的題材最適合不過了, 很多素體的頸部因為關節都會明顯的露眼而不夠完美, 除非遮蓋住!
I chop the legs length that it needs for the new subject; the good thing is the joint are removable, then clip them back firmly.
切短了腿部的長度, 因為這題材需要! TTL 素體另一個特點是關節都可以拔出分離, 可塑性很大!