Bicycle troop.10

Japanese Imperial Army Superior private, 25thArmy; Malaysia January 1942
On 6 November 1941, Yamashita was put in command of the 25th Army. On 8 December, he launched an invasion of Malaya, from bases in French Indochina. In the campaign, which concluded with the fall of Singapore on 15 February 1942, Yamashita's 30,000 front-line soldiers captured 130,000 British, Indian, and Australian troops, the largest surrender of British-led personnel in history. He became known as the "Tiger of Malaya".
The bicycle troops became his Blitzkrieg, who took 54 days to conquer all Malaysia.

Here are the pictures for reference, which gave the idea for this diorama.
I’ve just won the first prize of category 3 form OSS competition.

日本帝國陸軍第25軍團, 上等兵; 1942年1月 馬來西亞
山下奉文將軍於1941年11月6日接下第25軍團的指揮權. 12月8日從法國殖民地”印度支那”出發, 帶領部隊侵略馬來西亞. 於1942年2月15日拿下了整個馬來西亞及南邊的新加坡, 山下以手上的3萬部隊伏擄了13萬大英聯合部隊, 包含了英軍、印度軍、澳洲軍等, 這也是大英帝國在歷史上首次大規模投降的例子. 山下在這次的完全征服戰後被稱為”馬來亞之虎”的號稱. 山下的腳踏車部隊成為東方的閃擊戰, 他僅以54天的時間就拿下整個馬來西亞.



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