Hank & Chip.3

I love to separate the head、arms and waist apart from body, which is fun to make it workable even this is prototype; I dug the hole for head、arms and waist to connect the parts beforehand. Make sure the shape is correct then go for the exterior work, I’ve wipe with scratch scar by finger on the surface, then used Tamiya enamel thinner brush on it, then bake in the oven.
一直喜歡將頭、手、腰部等部位分開製作, 即使是原型, 覺得總比不動來得有趣多了. 分別在頸、手臂、腰等部位挖出動, 留給這些未完成的部位連接用. 確定外型準確後以手指將刮痕抹平後再以田宮油性溶劑塗上表面, 放進烤箱烤熱定型.

I used no.320 sandpaper to grind the exterior after baked, mark the bladebone and center straight line as spine, and then engrave those areas by sculpting tools. Apply sandpaper for last stage. The tool that I’ve used for engrave panel line are the modeling tools that I have fun with plastic model kits, I’m glad to use them for different way.
烤完冷卻後以320號水砂紙處裡表面, 在背面畫出肩胛骨、脊椎的位置, 以雕刻刀將這些部位以陰刻(往內)處裡, 最後用320號砂紙磨平即可. 上背的橫線是造型的不同色塊線, 拿了以前玩模型的刻線及打釘的工具將這線輕易畫上, FIRM確實是很棒的材料.


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