Bicycle troop.8

The branches brought from art supply shop (If not enough time to get the branches at outdoor, the shop offering everything), I’ve chop 3 section of branches then glue on the base; also glue the cross bar and tide it up with cotton rope.
如果沒時間去郊外檢樹脂, 直接去美術社找可以節省不少時間, 而樹枝都非常挺直的. 鋸下3 小段後將2 跟黏上地台, 另一根橫掛上膠水後以綿繩綁上即成.

I used epoxy resin for the water, that there are content A、B thick clean liquid. The epoxy resin proportion is A: 2 & B: 1, pour into the paper cup then have the exact scale and mix them up with stick and stir them well. The time is good enough for epoxy resin that the first layer water is planning to dirty and try not to see through the bottom, I’ve added the dilute XF-60 + XF-5 acrylic into the epoxy resin then stir it. Leave it to next day to see the result.
以環氧樹脂來製作水, 環氧樹脂為綢狀液體A、B兩劑, 比例各為A: 2、B: 1, 將樹脂分別倒入紙杯並以量秤做出正確比例後混合2 劑, 以竹筷攪拌均勻, 環氧樹脂沒有時間上的壓迫, 因為它硬化速度很慢. 構想中混濁的水是完全無透明狀, 以田宮壓克力XF-60+ XF-5 稀釋後倒入樹脂裡並攪拌. 等隔天乾了在說…..


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