Hank & Chip.6

Been busy for moving and settle down for few days, finally back to the subject!
I’m starting the right arm after left arm, basically following the left one proportion、details and shape will do; I used toothpick to hold the arm before bake it that this is try to avoid the burning at the bottom.
剛忙完幾天的搬家, 等所有東西歸定位後開始後續的工作. 右手臂製作基本上參考左臂的比例、外型及細節就不會出差錯. 在送入烤箱前將手臂以牙籤頂起, 這樣可以避免送入烤箱時底部被拷焦的狀況發生.

Place the right arm on right position that the complete body has showing, love to make super hero subject. Head will be the last stage which is the hardest part. Stay tune…….
定型後的右臂稍加整理並以砂紙處理表面就完成, 兜上正確的位置後整個身體完成. 超喜歡製作超級英雄的題材, 頭部則留作最後製作, 困難度也較高. 待續!


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