1/18 scale G.I soldiers (now available)

Just receiving the copy of G.I soldiers, I was enjoy to paint Willington 120mm or 1/35 scale resin figure when young, now I’m quite happy that I can do sculpting figurine by my own, it is excited to have the casting back and ready to paint them; I almost pick up the enthusiasm since 14 years ago.

The limited set of G.I soldier is available now, 18.77 USD for a set of unpainted figures. Get them to fit in your 1/18 scale military truck.

很興奮的收到寄回來的PU樹脂翻製小兵, 記得以前是花錢買威靈頓的樹脂120mm或1/35的人型上色, 現在蠻幸運的能有機會製作相關類型的人型, 還有享受上色的樂趣. 似乎撿回了14年前玩模型的感覺!


cosmicbaby said…
They look great! Nice crisp cast!
Unknown said…
Are these figures and the US Motorcycle Reiders still available possibly? I am very interested in some if they are.
Thank you in advance,
John (Jack) Cherry

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