Hank & Chip.10
Really exciting to have those casting back, the cast material which is call PU resin; it’s solid and light, that the cost is acceptable. First I need to inspect those casting parts like the liquid poured port and molding line are needs to cut off or fix.
剛收到回來的翻製品, 非常興奮! 還是偏好PU樹脂, 堅固又輕且價格是可以接受的範圍. 先檢視所有的注入口及開模線, 這些都是必須處裡的部份.
剛收到回來的翻製品, 非常興奮! 還是偏好PU樹脂, 堅固又輕且價格是可以接受的範圍. 先檢視所有的注入口及開模線, 這些都是必須處裡的部份.