Making 1/18 scale G.I driver.1

The driver is most necessary for vehicles, starting a piece of clay then roughly have the torso shape with left leg, that I’m planning to fit to Dodge truck but the seat is tight (not easy for driver), so I’m planning one leg in, that the other is from the right.
Again, once the set up has confirmed then go through the details.
駕駛員對車輛的確是必需的角色, 沒駕駛員車輛等於沒人駕馭; 駕駛員還是設計給道奇軍卡用, 但是駕駛座太狹窄, 想必駕駛的感覺會很差吧! 設計身體與左腿連接, 從駕駛座的左側放入, 右腿再從右側放入的方式製作. 在順利放入駕駛座後並確認姿勢後再進入細節.


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