Static model show

I’ve visited a static model show at Taipei city Shilin public assembly hall at this Saturday with friends, really impressive those craftsmanship modeler at the show.
They had the board on the back of the display model, which introduce the history of aircraft、AFV and ships, very educational events; The modelers are at the show to explain for question from visitors. We have great chat as well.
Lots of great stuff can’t take the shot due to acrylic case refection.
週末去了台北士林公民會館參觀模型展出, 這些都是台灣頂級模型高手, 每件模型作品都可以看出花了相當多的心思及技巧. 作品後面也有張大面版是介紹作品的歷史介紹, 相當富有教育意義的展出! 許多超讚的作品由於壓克力箱的反射而無法拍照.


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