Modify 1/18 German motorcycle.1
Just received the custom made 1/18 scale German sidecar accessary from” picklehaube” who is the craftsmanship in 1/18 scale, the parts are included a resin sidecar、a sidecar chassis、a MG-34 stand、a rear sit and 3 wheels, that the motorcycle base from Hasbro products of Indiana Jones adventure movie series of German motorcycle. I’ve take apart the motorbike then cut off the unnecessary parts to looks better than the original.
剛收到美國玩家自製的1/18德軍摩托車套件, 準備大改一番! 這位picklehaube是1/18世界裡的魔手級人物, 原來的這架德軍摩托是出自於孩之寶的印第安那瓊斯電影系列裡的德軍摩托, 但是精緻度不佳, 而它又是唯一的選擇; 所以用改造來提高這玩意的精緻及像真度.
剛收到美國玩家自製的1/18德軍摩托車套件, 準備大改一番! 這位picklehaube是1/18世界裡的魔手級人物, 原來的這架德軍摩托是出自於孩之寶的印第安那瓊斯電影系列裡的德軍摩托, 但是精緻度不佳, 而它又是唯一的選擇; 所以用改造來提高這玩意的精緻及像真度.