Modify 1/18 German motorcycle.3

*The original exhaust pipe supporter doesn’t looks good to me, that I removed half of it; then fix the surface.
*I used aluminum wire to replace the original exhaust kit.
*Drill the hole to connect the aluminum wire.
*Bend the wire to 90 degree at the rare transmission box, and then connect to the muffler (cut it from original kit).

*原本支撐消聲器的地方感覺很不喜歡, 把它切除一半再磨平.

*Add the wire as fender support.
*Spray the dust effect on tires and under sidecar; glue the other side of MG holder then set up the MG.
*I used Gunze “Dark iron” as paint chip effect.

*在機車、側車下方噴上塵土效果; 黏上機槍座的另一個支撐架.


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