Uniform and gear
*The way of uniform weathering same as usual, not to explain again; In this case the feet has glue on the lower legs already so it needs assemble after dress up. The uniform、legging and canteen are from Soldier Story products of Chinese Infantry.
*Bread bag is modifying from DML German bread bag.
*The belt is custom.
*Some say the legging is the difficult parts for 1/6 figure. Indeed, if legging goes wrong that makes the entire figure looks crap. Fold the bottom pants tightly then glue them, also glue the legging when starting to go around the lower legs, other are go up and circle but make them tight as you can, that the end of legging should be below the knees which is fasten the end or glue them a bit.
*Wearing the custom straw sandal on feet, I’ve leave the 4 point of U shapes which for fasten the straw sandal like shoelace. I’m quite enjoying making straw sandal that it really looks comfortable when wearing it.
*製服的舊化就不再重述, 可以參考舊的製作說明. 這個人偶不同於先前的方式就是在穿著褲子後才能將小腿部分兜上, 因為腳已經固定在小腿上了. 制服綁腿水壺都是取自於Soldier Story 出品的國軍題材人偶.
*許多玩家覺得打綁腿是1/6最難的部位. 的確是, 綁腿打不好就影響到整體而看起來就是遜. 將褲管末端(小腿處) 折了個大折也就是貼著小腿的形狀緊貼著在上膠水固定住, 在腳踝開始纏繞綁腿時也上點膠水固定再往上緊貼著小腿繞, 在膝蓋下方完成綁腿末端並用些許膠水固定住.
*將自製草鞋貼著腳底, 在草鞋事先預留的4 個U型繩中以棉繩穿過, 緊緊的跟腳綁住, 這就像是穿鞋子時綁的鞋帶一樣. 發覺製作草鞋很有趣!
About straw sandals
Been curious taking about straw sandal while they had been used by Nationalist Army during WWII, I’m quite sure the straw sandals is not kind of standard issue for Chinese Army, that they are home made stuff which probably carry by personal from home. So I don’t really worry about the mistake when I made the straw sandals, but they are looks different from Samurai from my point of view.
在製作草鞋時一直對它很感興趣, 這應該可以確定不是國軍的制式裝備, 通常是家裡做的, 也就是從軍時從家裡帶在身上的物品. 所以在製作草鞋時可以隨意發揮, 但是跟日本武士穿的樣式好像有蠻大的差距吧!
Custom patches
I did the patches few years ago through photoshop, that they have the right size for 1/6 then print it out on the fabric, cut it off and glue them on chest and arms will done.
這些徽章是在幾年前就已經預留下來的, 這些胸章及臂章都是以Photoshop繪製的, 縮放到合適1/6的尺寸後以掃描機透過布料印製出來; 將需要的徽章簡下後以白膠黏上正確的位置即可.
*Bread bag is modifying from DML German bread bag.
*The belt is custom.
*Some say the legging is the difficult parts for 1/6 figure. Indeed, if legging goes wrong that makes the entire figure looks crap. Fold the bottom pants tightly then glue them, also glue the legging when starting to go around the lower legs, other are go up and circle but make them tight as you can, that the end of legging should be below the knees which is fasten the end or glue them a bit.
*Wearing the custom straw sandal on feet, I’ve leave the 4 point of U shapes which for fasten the straw sandal like shoelace. I’m quite enjoying making straw sandal that it really looks comfortable when wearing it.
*製服的舊化就不再重述, 可以參考舊的製作說明. 這個人偶不同於先前的方式就是在穿著褲子後才能將小腿部分兜上, 因為腳已經固定在小腿上了. 制服綁腿水壺都是取自於Soldier Story 出品的國軍題材人偶.
*許多玩家覺得打綁腿是1/6最難的部位. 的確是, 綁腿打不好就影響到整體而看起來就是遜. 將褲管末端(小腿處) 折了個大折也就是貼著小腿的形狀緊貼著在上膠水固定住, 在腳踝開始纏繞綁腿時也上點膠水固定再往上緊貼著小腿繞, 在膝蓋下方完成綁腿末端並用些許膠水固定住.
*將自製草鞋貼著腳底, 在草鞋事先預留的4 個U型繩中以棉繩穿過, 緊緊的跟腳綁住, 這就像是穿鞋子時綁的鞋帶一樣. 發覺製作草鞋很有趣!
About straw sandals
Been curious taking about straw sandal while they had been used by Nationalist Army during WWII, I’m quite sure the straw sandals is not kind of standard issue for Chinese Army, that they are home made stuff which probably carry by personal from home. So I don’t really worry about the mistake when I made the straw sandals, but they are looks different from Samurai from my point of view.
在製作草鞋時一直對它很感興趣, 這應該可以確定不是國軍的制式裝備, 通常是家裡做的, 也就是從軍時從家裡帶在身上的物品. 所以在製作草鞋時可以隨意發揮, 但是跟日本武士穿的樣式好像有蠻大的差距吧!
Custom patches
I did the patches few years ago through photoshop, that they have the right size for 1/6 then print it out on the fabric, cut it off and glue them on chest and arms will done.
這些徽章是在幾年前就已經預留下來的, 這些胸章及臂章都是以Photoshop繪製的, 縮放到合適1/6的尺寸後以掃描機透過布料印製出來; 將需要的徽章簡下後以白膠黏上正確的位置即可.