Building 1/18 scale resin Russian T-34/76. I

I haven’t been doing static model for about 10 years, now I’m starting with full build resin custom 1/18 scale kid which is big different from injection model kit from what I had before that this is make more excited to me. The custom T-34/76 build by Matthew Hoggin who is a master of 1/18 scale custom enthusiast, who has created many pieces of resin modify kits which is basic for 21st Century Toy 1/18 scale. It is amazing to see how he scratch build a vehicle from nothing to complete kit, then who is offering very limit copy for 1/18 scale enthusiast at the forum.
Here is how I build a 1/18 scale T-34/76, the super glue is main cement for resin kit that the first need to clean all the parts because the handmade is not perfectly as machine but this is fun part to enjoy to build the kit.
已經有10多年沒做過模型, 而這麼一開始就玩上全樹脂模型, 現在反而對射出塑料模型感到興趣缺缺了! 因為在組裝的階段太完美而顯得無趣, 個人還是喜歡老方法, 喜歡從不入眼的模型玩起, 聽起來根本就是跟大家唱反調就是, 但是這才是玩模型的真正樂趣!
這架100%樹脂少量翻製的模型是由Matthew Higgin全手工製成, 看了這整個從無到有的過程會讓人感動及驚訝!
貼上製作這台1/18 的T-34/76蘇軍坦克車, 快乾膠是樹脂的接著劑; 在接著前必須將品部的注入棒等處清除乾淨, 畢竟手工製的跟機器射出是不同的而這就是最原始製作模型的樂趣.

*Glue the chassis and body.

*Simply glue the 6 parts of turret, that I’ve added the bottom deck for tanker can stand on it.
簡易滴組合砲塔的6 個部分, 自己加上內側的腳踏墊給坦克兵站著用.

*Spray flat black overall as primer, then apply acrylic XF-26 on the tank.
噴上黑色當底, 再全車噴上壓克力系列的XF-26.


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