Painted 1/18 scale head

Well,good to received Hitler casting head from a friend two weeks ago,those heads are not the present for me but the paint job is.At least,I've got one for myself that I'm planning to make this man's body someday in the future.I did the paint work slight different from before which I've just visit SHIZUOKA hobby show in Japan at 19th May,the modelling artist "Kazufumi Tomori" is inspiring me a lot. 農曆新年時製作的希佬頭雕翻製品終於回到手裡,但都不是我的反而是上色都是我的份,還好可以保留一顆給自己,打算未來做個身體給他囉!這次的上色技法在日本靜岡模型展中受益非淺,日本模型家"Kazufumi Tomori"的技巧讓我想試一試.


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