1/32 Polikapov I-16 pilot

This is my first try 1/32 scale figure for I-16 Polikapov fighter, which I'm starting get involved small scale model era.Quite challenge to me! But always fun for variant scale figure! The grey color is Super Sculpey, that the white color is AB putty. The Chinese pilot is dressing winter flying suit with parachute gear, and the typical winter fur collar. Now the figure is in production, soon will be available. 這是第一次作1/32比例的人型, 非常有挑戰性, 這個飛行員特別是為了搭配中國抗日時期為背景的飛機; 身上穿的是冬季飛行服, 毛領及臀部後的傘具. 人型正在量產中, 即將上市!

The completed pilot! 完成的飛行員!


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