1/20 Steam engine driver set
#1.Steam engine driver
Here is my new project for metal steam engine Co.I used model AB epoxy putty as material for this set of figure, the driver need joints for two arms to controlling sticks, the epoxy putty is stronger for joints which good for drill and curve by any tools. The joint set can easily find at hobby shop, which contain 4 size ball joint that the small size is fit 1/20 scale which what I am doing. The putty takes about 2~3 hrs to get harder, allow me to scultpt the shape before dry. Most of the part are using curve to achieved the shape, then apply variant number of sand paper. The head use SuperSculpey as material, I prefer the FIRM for the head details, that easy to fix before bake.這是最近新工作, 也是為"台灣尋根"鐵道模型製作的蒸氣火車人形. 這次使用AB補土製作, 原因是必須在駕駛手上作上可動關節以搭配可動儀器, AB補土堅固後才夠堅韌的加上關節; 另外AB補土可以在乾固之前簡易塑形, 但是細部則需在乾固後以雕刻的方式製作. 關節技可以在模型店找到, 而這組關節技共有4款尺寸, 只有3個合適1/20人形使用, 頭雕則是以SuperSculpey 製作.
This is co-driver who shave the coal into the steam chamber, the co-driver will takes many years experience to get to driver position. I sculpt the figure in bend shape, can see who is shave the coal; this figure no need to add joint as static figure.The uniform is the same, that I have to do another cap for him, which let the customer flexible to change head.
這個"司爐"也算是很有特色的人物, 他是負責將煤炭送進蒸氣爐裡, 司爐必須做個5~6 年的經驗才能昇為司機, 真的是磨出來的! 制服都是一樣款式, 但是他的帽子做了兩款式讓愛好者自行替換.