"Acid Rain" my new toys!

Recently I got hook in 3.75 inches "Acid Rain", this is a half mix military & science fiction toys, the fully articulated soldier figures are great fun to play with, the figures are the soft PVC made, not easy to break that the joints are working well which play smoothly. The vehicles are transformer capability, great design toys! The paint style are mostly like 3A toys. 近期掉進"酸雨系列"的坑, 酸雨系列是軍事與科幻的混合搭配, 再加上3A的上色風格, 很厲害的設計! 一眼看到就無法擋!! 可動小兵是偏軟質的PVC製成, 關節分常棒而且不容易玩壞, 酸雨兵是目前玩過可動性最棒的人型. 載具都可以變形的, 這個研發也不容易, 很佩服! 繼續買來玩!!

3.75 almost close to 4 inches, I have plenty of 1/18 scale vehicles are fit well to "Acid rain toys",basically the soldiers are fit to any military vehicles if the scale is match. The Merit Toys Huey  chopper is the best vehicles I supposed "I'm coming back, Vietnam!" 3.75吋與4吋相差很小, 所以手上的這些1/18載具都能夠搭配酸雨大兵, 這台Merit Toy出品的休斯直升機更沒話說, 看到休斯就會想到越南"我回來了!"

M-48 quite fit as well.

Even the G.I.Joe is fit in the "Acid rain" Stronghold cockpit, but G.I.Joe size is a bit smaller.甚至G.I.Joe的人形也很搭, 只是尺寸小了些! 可惜!

I re-paint the BBI products of Humvee as part of the "Acid Rain" troops, mostly in sand color base and weathered entire truck will do. 重新給BBI 出品的"悍馬"上色, 基本上是以沙色為底, 整車再做舊化處裡.

The little electronic toy that I repainted them to fit "Acid rain", the size is fit well too, these robot can be their R/C scout. 這些電動小玩具重新上色搭配酸雨兵, 它們可以當作是斥候兵!

The classical Jeep can be "Acid Rain" vehicle too! The famous Willy Jeep can't be miss. Again, I repainted the willy jeep to sand color base and weathered to fit the 3A style. 最經典的威利吉普車更不能錯過, 重新上過色再加上3A效果的舊化可以搭配酸雨兵團!


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