Building lovely 1/32 Polikarpov I-16

This is one of my favorite WWII airplane, I-16 got lovely shape like cartoon. I'm sure many people are seen at Disney animation. Well, I'm building this model plane to match my custom 1/32 scale pilot figure, It's fun to making model since I stop doing this back in 2000. 這架是我喜歡的老飛機之一, 它很有卡通的感覺, 可以在迪士尼卡通裡可以見到這樣造型的飛機. 作這架飛機主要是搭配自製的1/32飛行員, 這也是2000年停止玩模型後的一盒模型.

Starting from cockpit, I think cockpit is the most attractive parts of the airplane and I bet every modeler will like to seat in there and dream to fly. People know won't see much cockpit details from the canopy, but just can't stop doing any details: Find more pictures for the cockpit, it's gonna feel like you can seat in cockpit and control the machine. 覺得飛機最迷人的地方就是駕駛艙, 我想絕大多數的模型玩家都會夢想座在駕駛艙裡甚至能夠飛上天. 雖然知道從艙蓋口幾乎看不到駕駛艙內細節但是還是忍不住會加上所有細節, 可以感覺在駕馭飛機一樣!

This kit got a big gap when assemble it, that it took lot of time to fill up by putty.
好大的縫隙要補, 花了不少時間弄!

Masking tape helping the tail rudder stripe, then spray the 6 light blue which is typical Nationalist Chinese air force trade mark. 紙膠帶用來遮蓋尾舵藍白條, 也是抗戰中國空軍的註冊商標.

Spray the OD color upper side and light blue underside, then wash! 上面噴上橄欖綠, 底下噴上淺藍, 再洗過!

The articulate green soldiers coming for helping assemble landing gear and paint job!小綠兵們也過來幫忙組合及上色!

The little dio has done!
Green soldiers having fun now!


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