Making of 1/6 Chinese Warlord period Nationalist Army service cap
Just about doing a 1/6 Chinese warlord period nationalist army service cap for commission work, basically following Tony Barton tutorial will do, but add a bit of my way! 正完成的北伐時期的國軍大盤帽, 這是客人的訂製兵偶, 主要跟著Tony Barton的製作教程就沒有甚麼問題.
The hair style always bothering the headgear, the fancy hair needs to removal then change to simple and thin hair style, that the most important things is to fit any kinda cap. I used putty for the hair after removal fancy hair. 頭雕是現今的明星且留著時髦的髮型, 這髮型對我來說是不適用的, 並且要考慮到能不能帶帽的因素; 必須將時髦髮型削去且重新做出平頭的髮型最合適那個時代的角色, 我用AB補土做出平頭的髮型.
Apply the primer on the left, the right is original hairstyle. 左側是上了底色的修過的髮型, 右側是原始頭雕.
The cap needs iron keeping good shape, apply a bit water at the edge then iron it to settle the shape. 帽子必須用電熨斗燙過才能定型好看!