OMON Moscow police by KGB hobby

Another KGB hobby Omon Moscow Police coming in my collection. Again, very nice tailor parts of winter jacket,ANA winter Dungarees, ANA V-95 tactical vest. The most beautiful part is leather boots, which is made by sheep skin that it won't be have cracking happen like DID products boot.這個是另一個KGB收藏人偶莫斯科, 雖然不含人偶但是配件製作非常細緻, 衣服打版及靴子相當精美, 靴子材料為小羊皮, 不會像DID 合成皮靴會自然龜裂.

Here is my kitbashed Omon Moscow Police, not many gear but pretty cool figure!這是素組Omon, 雖然沒有裝備但是很不錯!


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