Custom 1/18 Kubelwagon top

My client ask for Kubelwagon top after I did windshield & window for 21st Kubelwagon, this is fun work for me to go on. I used bobble form for the shape, curve it with knife and sand paper, then apply water putty after shape done, the water putty makes bobble form surface solid. 客人在我製作完擋風鏡及4個窗戶後要求加上車頂, 這是很有趣的工作. 我以發泡塊削出大體型狀, 畫上車頂型狀後即切削型狀, 砂紙打磨! 最後在發泡塊表面塗上水補土約2~3層待乾即可.

I used vacuum machine make the ABS top,the rare part glue the base and two pin to settle on the back deck, which is engine room top. 將上個步驟的模型以真空成型機壓出型狀, 切下需要的形狀. 在車頂尾端加上補強, 這補強也是固定在車上的重點部位.

Cut the rare window. 在車頂尾端切出窗戶型狀

Spray the top with dark sand color.噴上深沙色


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