BBI 1/18 scale F-18 Hornet in my collection
Lucky to get a BBI 1/18 scale old products F-18 Hornet, this big kit release around 2007 or 2008 I supposed. This is the first modern jet in my 1/18 scale collection, it's a huge bird compare to WWII war birds. I washed over all the kit with oil paint, then wipe with sponge from head to tail, that the oil paint will leave in the engrave line. 剛買到這台大戰機, 也是我第一台現代戰機, BBI 幾年前的舊產品, 突然間出現當然不能錯過! 全機以油畫顏料洗過再以海棉擦拭, 必須從機頭的方向往機尾方向擦拭, 也是順著飛行的方向!