German Gebrigsjager
幾 天前帶了2個人偶跟家人一起去放假, 今年去了合歡山, 剛好也選了非常合適的德軍山岳兵主題! 上了3275公尺高的山上, 除了美景之外也找到了一個比例非常適合人偶的角落! 所謂合適的比例也就是石頭, 岩石, 小草, 小花的比例都非常合適這12吋人偶的搭配. 好爽!
Taking 2 figuring and family went up to 3275m height Mt at the center of Taiwan while I'm on 3 days holiday. Found out a nice spot which is the best scale of scenery suit for dollies! Really enjoy the trip!