Chinese Nationalist Army at Warlord period 1926~ 1928
Here is my completed Nationalist Army at Warlord period figure, this is one of the series commission work from customer. The "Kuomingchun" army equipment simple and crude like fabric bandolier, blanket, service cap and rifles, the armament were purchased from any nation, which was the Chinese Warlord did had their own source to purchased from different country.The Mosin-Nagiant was appear at the early 1900. 完成的訂製的北伐國民革命軍其中系列之一, 革命軍當時裝備簡陋裝備像是布質彈帶, 斜背軍毯, 大盤帽等, 以及各軍閥採購自不同國家的軍械, 形成當時的特色! 莫辛那干在民國初年即被引進使用.
I simply did base for Nationalist Army. 1.Apply hardware putty at wood base. 2.Used needle tool to engraved the gap, but need a bit of water at surface. 3.Apply water base grey color as primer. 4.Dry brush 2 color on the rock to show the different. 5.Apply pastel charcoal at the gap to show the dirt.